On today’s show, Home Brew Chef Sean Paxton is back on Brew Ha Ha, to talk about cooking with beer, with Steve Jaxon, Mark Carpenter and Herlinda Heras. (Sean Paxton was last on Brew Ha Ha in June of 2017 and that episode is in the podcast for April 5, 2018.) At first, Steve is tasting a Bloody Mary that Sean has made, with beer. This one is using a beer from Anderson Valley made by Fal Allen. He uses Early Girl tomatoes that are locally grown, and about 9 or 10 different peppers. One of them is the Carolina Reaper, the hottest pepper in the world. It is 4 or 5 times hotter than a Habañero pepper. Sean Paxton designed this Bloody Mary to go with his hot sauce, a Nor-Cal Mole. His hot sauce brand is Eat Beer Hot Sauces. Sean and Mark both […]
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Ramon Tamayo from Anchor Brewing
Ramon Tamayo is our guest on Brew Ha Ha with Steve Jaxon and Mark Carpenter. He holds Mark’s former job as brewmaster at Anchor Brewing in San Francisco. Mark Carpenter starts the show with a beer from Anchor and introduces Ramon Tamayo who is the current head brewer at Anchor. He says, “I picked up the baton where Mark left it.” He’s doing some very creative stuff, Mark says, such as a Brewer’s Pale Ale. Steve asks Ramon to tell how he got into brewing. He was a home brewer in college, which was necessary while he was too young to go out and buy beer. He loved the art and science and the enjoyment of the hard work. He just made beer to drink with his friends. He grew up in Petaluma. Herlinda mentions that he is part of the Tamayo family that […]
Continue readingRussian River Windsor Grand Opening
Today Brew Ha Ha is live at the Russian River Brewing Company in Windsor, California, to celebrate the grand opening of their new facility. Owners Natalie and Vinnie Cilurzo and director of sales Michael Benz join Steve Jaxon, Mark Carpenter and Herlinda Heras on the show. Michael Benz is serving some Pliny that is all of 30 seconds old, straight off the bottling line. Steve says this new place is Mark Carpenter heaven and Mark agrees. “It’s a dream come true, really!” – Vinnie Cilurzo on the new Russian River Brewing Co. location Russian River Brewing Company has just opened its big new brewery in Windsor. Mark admires that they have built the brewery to do open fermentation. He describes how most brewers use closed tanks and the beer is fermented and stored in there. Russian River Brewing Co. is one of the few who use […]
Continue readingMark back from Europe and Herlinda on Oktoberfest
Mark Carpenter and Herlinda Heras are both back from their recent travels. Mark was in Finland and Poland and Herlinda was at Oktoberfest in Munich, Germany. Mark tells about a pub in Helsinki that has real English ale. He also visited Poland, to see some famous horses in Eastern Poland. There is a book called The Perfect Horse which is about this horse farm. He brought some beers back, including an English style ale from Poland. He enjoyed Warsaw and learned that it had been completely destroyed in World War II and restored in the old style after that. His local guide showed him all the good local beers. Mark describes a kind of traditional Finnish beer that he drinks when he is there. Then, the vast majority of beer in Poland is lager from major breweries. But there are hundreds of local brands. […]
Continue readingRobert Nathanson of Palmia Beer
Robert Nathanson of Palmia Beer in San Francisco is our guest on Brew Ha Ha today. (This episode was originally recorded on August 23, 1018.) Robert is impressed that Mark Carpenter has been in the beer industry longer than he has been alive. His company produces Palmia Beer, which is a beer that is flavored with lemon. Palmia comes from Spain. The founder of the company noticed “claras” which they drink in Spain, like a Radler or a Shandy. Mark says it’s a great summer beer. Steve likes it and says it’s not too sweet. Robert says the 90 calorie profile makes it unique and all the ingredients are natural. This beverage is popular throughout Europe. His business is growing; he was delivering the beer out of his own car but now he has a distributor, Morris based in Petaluma. Herlinda lists some of […]
Continue readingPetaluma Whiskerino
Fred Abercrombie is in, from Lagunitas. Ron Lindenbusch was also going to come in for today’s show but he is not available, as Herlinda Heras explains, do to some issues with his reopening of one of Steve Jaxon’s favorite local venues, the old Hopland Taproom. Today they will talk about an event in Petaluma to be held next weekend, the 60th Annual Bill Soberanes Memorial Petaluma Whiskerino. Here is the event’s Facebook page, log on to FB to access it. Bill Soberanes was a longtime journalist who covered Petaluma in the local press and who was beloved by all the people whose lives he touched. He called himself a Peopleologist. Herlinda remembers serving him beer years ago. The Petaluma Whiskerino, where men come to show off beards, sideburns, goatee, moustache, business beards, etc. Lagunitas is a sponsor. There are prizes, a free photo booth […]
Continue readingMartin Voigt and Dr. Hoby Wedler
Martin Voigt, the only beer blogger in Austria, is our first guest today, and Dr. Hoby Wedler is also here, together with Bob Sonnenberg and Jeff Harrington from the Earle Baum Center in Santa Rosa. Martin will talk about his trip to California to get better acquainted with the craft beer industry here. Then Dr. Hoby Wedler, an organic chemist who has been blind since birth and who is a flavor expert, will lead a blind taste test. Martin Voigt greets Steve Jaxon with “Servus!” which is a typical Austrian and central European greeting. Martin says that Marzen beer is the most popular style in Austria. It’s a lager beer. They have some Pilsners too, but mostly those are made in Germany. In the last decades, major companies have bought all the small breweries in Germany, but not in Austria, where they still have […]
Continue readingAndreas Fält visits Herlinda Heras and Steve Jaxon
Andreas Fält visits Herlinda Heras and Steve Jaxon today on Brew Ha Ha, while Mark Carpenter is still on a trip to Poland. Steve and Herlinda will be talking to Andreas about his import export beer business and judging the Great American Beer Festival next week, September 20-22, 2018 in Denver, Colorado. Steve asks Herlinda Heras about Polish beer, which she says is excellent. She and Andreas were judges at the Polish national beer competition in Poznan. Andreas Fält is originally from Sweden and lives in Leeds, England. He got into home brewing 27 years ago in Sweden. His friend taught him how to home brew. They wanted to start a brewery but the legal and tax requirements are too difficult. So they began importing Belgian and English beers. In 2006 he moved to England for a job. He was the first to bring Sierra Nevada into […]
Continue readingTony Magee founder of Lagunitas
Tony Magee, the founder of Lagunitas Brewing Company visited Brew Ha Ha back on Nov. 14, 2014 for on-air interview with Steve Jaxon. Steve is in the studio with Joe Tucker, who was his co-host on the show at the time. Steve began by asking Tony Magee to tell the story of how he got started in the brewing business. Tony Magee began, “It was Christmas 1992 and my little brother got me a home brewing kit for a Christmas present, and I brewed it in January, drank it in February. It was a California Common Beer, an Anchor Steam sort of variety, drank it in February and was immediately smitten. I had never even considered brewing before that.” He tells the story in his book, So, You Want to Start a Brewery..? Steve asked Tony Magee if he had been a beer drinker […]
Continue readingKen Grossman of Sierra Nevada Brewing Company
Ken Grossman, founder of Sierra Nevada Brewing Company, and Vinnie & Natalie Cilurzo from Russian River Brewing are all in the studio today with Mark Carpenter and Herlinda Heras. Steve Jaxon is away and Pete Foppiano is sitting in for him today. Mark Carpenter introduces today’s guest, his old friend and colleague in the beer business, Ken Grossman, founder of Sierra Nevada Brewing Company. He started Sierra Nevada in 1980. He made his first batch of pale ale then. He had aspirations to be one of the new small brewers in America. At the time there were only about 40 small brewers in the country. A lot of breweries were started back then and it was a challenge to get a distributor to carry a new beer. Mark asks Ken Grossman about Sierra Nevada Pale Ale. Ken just gave a talk a few weeks ago […]
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